Monday, September 26, 2011

Sony, Words for Thought

Speaking of how awesome the world is, images are one thing, but sometimes facts are another.

Did you know was a commercial of sorts made for Sony to present at their annual corporate meeting? While this was not technically a commercial it was an ad for Sony and thus have included it in this blog. Apart from it just being cool. The music is from Fatboy Slim, Right Here Right Now, which in itself has a great video. The video made sometime around 2009 may be in need of some updating, but it does show some interesting and sometimes scary facts when you really think about it.

So what does it all mean? Well nothing really. It means that things change, as has always been a constant on this earth. Nature has a way of breaking that which does not bend. It does show an interesting shift, I can remember a time B.G. before google and in fact before the internet. Back when things were written in books and

So are you flexible, are you this flexible? Watching this also makes me think about which statics I myself have contributed to. To quote an ancient proverb we do live in interesting times, and hopefully we will continue to live in interesting times. Where would we be if the world was boring? Where would you be?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The World is Just ... Awesome

The World is Just ... Awesome.

The world is awesome and very rarely does a commercial come along that while branding something makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. While this one might not make you feel fuzzy inside, you cannot help but be uplifted by its imagery and positive feel to it.

This was first used for the discovery channel in 2008 after a change to it program line-up and target base. Taking on more than just educational programs and starting to introduce more reality programs the new direction has been a success. The music used here is from Morcheeba, a British band form in 1996, from their album The Antidote, entitled Wonders Never Cease. Making this a good mix of music and imagery to create a unique commercial, and one that I enjoy.

The ad show cases the various programs on the Discovery Channel and shows you just how awesome the world is, while we look to space and the final frontier, there are still so many things on this tiny blue marble that we have yet to explore. So get out there and discover your world, because you never know what awesome things will be waiting for you.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dos Equis

Well it is now the long weekend, and what are you going to do? Well drink of course, and what o drink, well if Heineken did not do it for you, then may i introduce you to Dos Equis. These commercials are by now famous, who has not heard of the most interesting man in the world? You, you say well enjoy.

Apart from getting different images in your head, as in who is your most interesting man, Bond, Dr. Evil, or Bob Marley. The things and metaphors that are used are outrageous, his personality is so magnetic he is unable to carry credit cards is one great example.

The beer itself is Mexican, first brewed in 1897 by a German born Mexican, Wilhelm Hasse. It was originally called Siglo XX or 20th Century. The label had two giant X’s on it to mark it, hence the name now of Dos Equis, or Two X’s. Dos Equis features actor Jonathan Goldsmith as the the most interesting man in the world, with Frontline (the public affairs T.V. program) narrator Will Lyman doing voiceovers.

On in interesting side note Dos Equis is brewed Cervecería Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma, which is a major brewery based in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. It is currently a subsidiary of Heineken International, which explains the similar feel for both commercials for Heineken and Dos Equis.